
Summer Break!

Ok, ok, ok. I have been gone far too long...but it's summer break!! I came across this saved draft of my summer to do list and realized that with two weeks left of my break before the summer school session begins, I should probably post it as well as much more. This is what a young, bushy-eyed hopeful Emma had in mind just three weeks ago.....

Summer Reading List. Now that I'm not reading code books and researching at InformeDesign, I finally have some downtime to do some reading for myself. A few to note:

She's Come Undone
Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith
Packing for Mars
I Know This Much is True

* Present day Emma has not accomplished this yet

De-Stress and Exercise. That's right, I'm going to actually use my gym membership. I'm also going to finally fire up all the lavender candles and incense my mother has bought me to help alleviate stress. And sunlight! I think I might actually see sunlight this break!! To top it all off, I might go to the New York Spa Castle in Queens with my friends, something we've all talked about for years now. Check it out here.

* Present day Emma has attempted this (the gym part atleast).

More Blogging. I'd say this one is pretty self explanatory. With school not in session I finally have the time to LOOK at design. I have lots of design shows to attend and magazines to read and lots of blogging in store to discuss it all.

 * Present day Emma WILL rememdy this one.

DIY Projects. I really feel that an interior design student's home should reflect her expensive and time consuming schooling. This summer I vow to do those do-it-yourself house projects that never get actually done. Re-arranging furniture, painting furniture, re-foaming an armchair, and lots of shopping for home decor!

*Present day Emma HAS accomplished most of these, with the help of her roommate. More on that in future posts!

Images from top to bottom via: Transcience, House Beautiful, Corebloggers, Brooker Pie

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your projects. I read Packing for Mars and loved it. Roach has a great voice. She can make anything funny, especially the Vomit Comet.
