
Name that Year

A while back, my roommate bought me this gold-foil covered book she found at a salvation army, Creative Home Decorating. I just had to share this....

" Interest in home decoration is at a higher pitch today than ever before. More and more, conversation among women everywhere turns to this fascinating subject, and technical terms once reserved to the professional decorator are now widely current coins of speech. This is a good sign. It indicates that larger numbers of women intend to decorate or re-decorate their homes, drawing upon their own knowledge and good taste. It means that, as knowledge increases, standards in home decoration definitely will grow even higher. It enhances the likelihood that women, no longer content with drab and listless homes, will contribute new and interesting ideas to the art of decoration.

With growth in interest, there has come about a new attitude toward home decoration. The notion that a home is decorated only once to last for a lifetime, arose as a psychological reflection of earlier scarcity economics and is now outdated. Modern techniques of production have made home furnishings available to all persons and at all income levels. Accordingly, it is not surprising that many persons are re-decorating their homes periodically. True, they retain cherished pieces, but they altar color schemes, window treatment, slipcovers and accessories, and they add many new pieces of furniture. Since home decoration is usually a co-operative venture involving both man and wife, this new attitude may well be one of the healthiest developments in the field of present-day marital and family relationships. In any event, certain it is that the home is basic to the family, and that beautiful homes inculcate ideals and values that make for a decent, upright society."

Ok.... who can make a guess as to the copyright year on this one??